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  • Writer's pictureAriel

Hanukkah Series: Messianic significance

To the chosen of God scattered throughout the world, all who call on the name of our Master everywhere: grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Master Yeshua Mashiach. I thank God, our Father for allowing me to return here to share more about Hanukkah. Every day we are getting closer and closer to this joyous and meaningful festival. I am in good spirit, preparing for a great gathering. Quite busy actually, it can be difficult posting content. I hope that in between these posts you have also learned about the fest on your time.

Previously on the Hanukkah Series, I covered the origins of Hanukkah, possible (impossible, rather) pagan origins, and its story. Hopefully, that eliminated any confusion about the festival, and readers learned something about Hanukkah's history. In this post, I will share the most important element to consider: Hanukkah's messianic significance. In other words, what does Yeshua have to do with Hanukkah?

Apostle John wrote that during the festival of Hanukkah, Yeshua was walking in the temple area. Hanukkah is not a pilgrimage festival, it is not even listed in Leviticus 23. Hanukkah was a festival that everyone celebrated it in their own place, and at the time it was not a popular like today. But Yeshua was at the temple during a festival that celebrated the rededication of the temple, and He made strong statements about who He is.


"My sheep listen to My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; and I give them eternal life..." Yeshua is the good shepherd. We are the sheep of His pasture, and He is the giver of eternal life.

"I and the Father are one." This refers to unity or of one essence. The Father and Yeshua are united in will and spirit.

"...because I said, I am the son of God?" Yeshua referred to Himself as God’s Son and to God as His Father.

"The Father is in Me, and I in the Father." Yeshua wanted the leaders to know that the Father sent Him, and was also in Him, by believing the works Yeshua performed. Therefore, Yeshua was also in the Father.

While these bold statements were made, the religious leaders picked up stones to stone Him, and were seeking to arrest Him. Why? For blasphemy, for making Himself equal with God. But Yeshua did not correct a misunderstanding of what He said, What He said was clear to the religious leaders of His day. Their error was unbelief (John 10:38). In New Testament, Hanukkah is a time to declare the authority and divinity of Yeshua, who was with God, and was God (John 1:1).


In this encounter, the religious leaders asked Yeshua to tell them if He is the Mashiach. He responded with bold claims exposing His divinity and true nature, and is accused of blasphemy on that day in which the blasphemy of a foreign king was defeated. The leaders then experienced a repeat of history, just as their forefathers who faced Antiochus' blasphemous claim of being a manifest god. The difference was that Yeshua was not a pagan, but an observant Jew. Antiochus offered only orders destructive to biblical worship, but Yeshua magnified His Father's law, and was sent by Him. Yeshua's works revealed that He did not commit blasphemy, but that He was the exact image of the true God who came to save Israel.


On Hanukkah, it is tradition to celebrate the miracle, a legend I will soon speak on in this series, During the festival, Yeshua spoke about the miracles He did in His Father's name (John 10:25,32, 37, 38). While Jews celebrated the miracle, He wanted His people to acknowledge and believe the miracles that He performed. Yeshua is the embodiment of the Hanukkah message that Abba is a God of miracles. What is impossible for humans is not impossible for God. Throughout history, Abba has shown up for His people, Israel despite the odds. The overall theme of Hanukkah was miracles, and God's miracles would have been in the minds of Jews while they were celebrating the rededication of the temple. Yeshua wanted the people of His day to see His miracles and believe in Him.


Hanukkah for many years is known as the Festival of Lights. It can serve as a reminder that Scripture tells us that Yeshua is the light of the world (John 8:12). Through His glory, we partook of that light and became children of light (Ephesians 5:8; 1 Thessalonians 5:5). Yeshua is not only the light of the world, but the everlasting light in our lives that restores order, brings revelation, and establishes God's peace. He is the light that came into the world when the Earth was in its chaotic state (Genesis 1:1-3), He is the light that came into the world to announce the Father's ministry of reconciliation (John 1:9-13). He continues to shine among us and within us, so we may also shine and not walk in darkness, to the glory of God the Father,

"Then Yeshua again spoke to them, saying, “I am the Light of the world; the one who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life.” (John 8:12)

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